I always considered speed reading as a major way to improve one's overall performance. Especially in brain related activities.
So I read this book and here is a brief outline of it:
So I read this book and here is a brief outline of it:
- In a world that speeds up all the time reading faster without loosing meaningful information is vital.
- There must be a goal (reading speed increase, ratio of speed to understanding) to aim and a time span to achieve it.
- Speed Reading Techniques:
- Reading the table of contents
- Meta-Guiding (pointing what to read next with you finger)
- Visualization (not a standalone technique still very helpful skill)
- Keyword search
- Chunk Reading
- Skimming (if you want to grasp the overall idea)
- Scanning (if you have an idea to scan for)
Gymnastics to widen up your sight area:
- Fixate your sight at a dot in the middle area of a text. Try to read from outer areas with your sight.
- Thumb-to-thumb glancing.
- Eye Writing
- Hooded Eyes
- Eye Squeezes
Exercises to increase your comprehension:
- Self-assessment
- Questionnaires, crossword puzzles
- Meta Cognition
- Extensive learning
- Communicate
- Contemplate
Other exercises:
- Push - up
- Push - down
- Alarm clock reading
- Timed reading
- 3-2-1 Drilled
- Chunks reding
- Speed Reading Comprehension tests
Additional considerations
- Calming environment: light, noise ratio, smells
- Focus: low level of distraction
- Physical Exercise
- Bad Food
- Good Food
- Sleep
Also discussed your tips to improve and fix major issues standing in your way and the overall benefits of speed reading.
I liked the book overall. It's a concise recap of good old technique with some more examples and ways to work it out.